Learning Dark Arts

Come learn the art of 3D computer generated art and animation. This blog deals with the lessons learned and the art created by Robert G. Male using DazStudio from Daz3D. Also covered are the ancillary software, tools, techniques, and processes needed both before and after rendering in the 3D software.


Spell casting woman.

R.M.T.P. Co.


November 16, 2009

Power Complex

A discussion on this blog previously covered the strength of simplicity in an image. Complexity can have its place too. A new image titled "Happy Halloween 2009" illustrates this. There are multiple items in the scene outside of the focus of what the picture is meant to convey that add meaning, but could have been left out. Leaving them out of the image would make it simpler and at the same time would take something of the reality away from it. What would it say if it were just a figure in a room with a backdrop outside the window? Would it look like a staged scene like that in a department store display window? Are these items not as important as the pose of the figure and the ambience of the lights?

What is the importance of the knife and the goblet? What is the use of the bowl and the dark glass decanter? Do the washbasin and cabinet along with the furnace and chimney set the time period? The cobwebs certainly say something about the scene. These are the items that add to the complexity of the image. They also give the scene a sense of verisimilitude. The light is not what would be naturally expected for the location or the hinted time period. When coupled with the figure's pose that odd light says something about what is going on in the image. So what of the unnatural figure outside the window? Is it the result of what is going on in the shack or is it drawn there by the events unfolding inside? All of this builds a more complex, well-rounded, strong, image.

Music: One Tin Soldier by Me First and the Gimme Gimmes.

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Robert G. Male

Name: Robert G. Male
Location: Ontario, Canada

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