Inchoate Ascendant™

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March 12, 2010

Do You Wear Only One Hat?

One might wonder if it's just a fluke or a one off that I would discuss such a technical aspect as programming, even if I did compare it to writing, here on this particular blog. What might that have of interest to writers and other people strictly in the creative vein? I wonder how many people are strictly creators without having to dabble in the construction and technical minutiae of running a web site and taking an active hand in such matters as publishing, marketing, and business. Certainly a writer is pretty much forced to work with the conventions of the printing process when whatever they submit must be formatted to certain specifications. Some of those specifications are for the ease of editing, but not all of them, or at least they serve the dual purpose of limiting the changes required between final editing and printer layout.

If you are a writer, or an artist, and you run your own web site, even a WordPress driven one, and someone works all of the technical wonders, do you leave all of the associated baggage of that to this other person/people? Anyone who hangs out online and especially with business people on Twitter and other sites is sure to have seen the letters SEO. That's Search Engine Optimisation, it's a big factor in how people find your site using Google, Bing, Yahoo, and wherever else. I have a bit of a SEO problem, now that I'm starting to roll out the comment engine I told you about last week. I have to change the filename for several sites from index.htm to index.php. You don't need to know the difference, but everywhere that advertised one must now advertise the other. The biggest snarl this causes is with advertisements in Killing Time - Horror E-Rag™. Perhaps I should find a workaround to leave the filename the same.

Do you wear multiple hats such as writer, site designer, SEO, marketer, etc.? Have you had to change advertisements or links all over the place to accommodate new functions to your site? Have you ever done the dreaded site moving?

P.S. You can use the previously mentioned comment engine now to answer those questions. It's right down there now.

Music: Shut Up and Dance by Aerosmith.

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Robert G. Male said: Friday March 12, 2010 -- 17:02
Hello and welcome to the new commenting engine.
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    Robert G. Male
    Name: Robert G. Male
    Location: Ontario, Canada
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