Inchoate Ascendant™

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September 11, 2009

Guest Bloggers Wanted

I am a brand. As much as I might push Battered Spleen Productions, what it really boils down to is me. It might be nice to say it's egotistical, but when something is a one-person operation, well it's hard not to be about the one person. I read a lot of the social networking, Web 2.0, search engine optimization, and marketing news and articles. When it's all reduced to the basics, it is about personal branding. Big companies may still retain a brand for the company, but even they are moving toward a model of being about one person. It's been fuelled by figures like Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Mark Zuckerberg, Biz Stone, and the like. To a strong degree with authors this has always been the case. It's always the name on the book cover once that name is recognisable.

I have been considering going against the grain and having some guest bloggers. In the author world they have blog tours. On a blog tour an author is a guest on several blogs either answering interview questions or writing an article. The article serves to bring attention to the author and the new book. They do it alongside, and sometimes instead of, a book signing tour. I want some guest bloggers in October at this blog and my Learning Dark Arts blog--which I'll post there on Monday. I'm looking for articles and a new book isn't necessary, the guests can promote just their own site or blog. Articles for this blog are about process rather than the product. If you're interested contact me. Show me your site and/or blog. Give me an idea what you'd like to write about in your article. Thank you.

Some conditions apply. This blog is re-posted to as many as eight different sites not counting where you are reading it here. I have full discretion to reject proposals or ask for re-writes if I feel they are warranted. I reserve the right to make edits for spelling and grammar that you might miss. Aim for an article no more than twice as long as I tend to post--let's say about 500 words max. Please suggest tags for your article, but I reserve the right to modify them to make use of my own available tags or to even make up my own. I will add a brief introduction at the start of the posting.

These articles are at worst PG rated. Hate speech, racism, or any other forms of bigotry are not allowed. There is no pay for this work; you would do it to reach a larger or at least different audience. You may repost your article elsewhere 3 months after I post it, and you retain the copyright but extend me the right to display your article for as long as I maintain any of the sites it is posted on. Finally I reserve the right to create a follow up post on your article at any time and reference your original on my sites. By submitting an article--when asked to--you agree to these conditions.

Music: Lost in America by Alice Cooper.

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Robert G. Male
Name: Robert G. Male
Location: Ontario, Canada
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