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August 24, 2010

Most Haunted Places in America: Fairfield Hills Mental Institution
  • There is a lot of good fiction fodder in this article that is (obviously) not limited to tunnels closed off (imagine getting in from a missed entrance), torture passed off as cutting edge research, recorded emotions, haunting sounds (who needs EVP when the dead are vocal), not mentioned but fires might randomly start. Real people definitely should not do it, but slipping past security or bodies found when the next patrol comes by but somehow they should have been seen by the previous patrol.
  • Tags: EVP, experimental, ghosts, haunted, location, mental institution, research, stone tape theory, torture, tunnel.

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    August 3, 2010

    Stone Tape Theory: An Exploration
    • This article defines and discusses stone tape theory, a way of explaining residual hauntings--that is, where the haunting is unintelligent, repetitious and appears only under certain conditions--that boils down to a location can record events and play them back later, multiple times. The theory is useful itself for fiction and fits within the terminology of parapsychologists of either stripe if it is presented as fact, which in reality it isn't yet. Inaccurate as it is the idea that the theory stems from a piece of fiction leading to life imitating art is intriguing as well, if of limited value.
  • Tags: factors, ghosts, haunted, location, parapsychology, reality, stone tape theory, theories.

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