
Hello, I am Robert G. Male. Welcome to WraithStop™. Here you will find links that I think are of interest. Furthermore these are links that I want to keep track of because they have given me either ideas or some other form of inspiration for my writing. Links are listed in order lowest to highest both in the date they are given and the order in which they appear (meaning: read them from the bottom up for a certain day's list). Some of these sites may require you to sign up for free. Without further ado, the links...

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October 31, 2010

13 Nights of Hallowe'en 2010:
Night #13 The Haunting In Connecticut

Ah! It's Hallowe'en! I hope it's red 'n' black, and slimy green for you. As always I have left the best movie for last. The Haunting In Connecticut is another movie based on a true story. Up until the haunting really shifts into high gear the story is fairly close to the original incidents. I was thrilled when I found out they were making this movie, and even more so when I watched the movie and saw what they had done. Let's start with our star Kyle Gallner. You may have seen him in...

Read more at R.G. Male's Dark Corners.

  • Tags: ectoplasm, ghosts, Halloween, haunted, The Haunting In Connecticut (2009) (movie), horror, movies, mortuary, R.G. Male's Dark Corners, thirteen, true story.
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    October 30, 2010

    13 Nights of Hallowe'en 2010:
    Night #12 The Shining (1980)

    The night before Hallowe'en, Devil's Night. Can you feel the excitement? Are you ready? Well if not then you should be after tonight's movie. In a list of movies with infamously haunted places there is one name that towers over the others. It is called The Overlook Hotel, and it is not real, but most people will know the name nonetheless, even if they don't recall from where. The Overlook is based for the most part on a real hotel called The Stanley Hotel and is the creation of...

    Read more at R.G. Male's Dark Corners.

  • Tags: ghosts, Halloween, haunted, horror, hotel, movies, The Overlook Hotel, psychic ability, R.G. Male's Dark Corners, The Stanley Hotel, thirteen.
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    October 29, 2010

    13 Nights of Hallowe'en 2010:
    Night #11 Poltergeist II: The Other Side

    If you are new to my array of blogs or just have forgotten, my favourite movie of all time, any genre, is the original Poltergeist. I already told you all about it for last year's Hallowe'en movie. I decided not to repeat myself although there were more than a couple haunting movies previously covered that I could have tackled again. Poltergeist II: The Other Side is a great sequel. It didn't have to be as brilliant, or as beautiful as the original, it just had to keep you involved with...

    Read more at R.G. Male's Dark Corners.

  • Tags: creepy, curses, ghosts, Halloween, haunted, horror, movies, Poltergeist II: The Other Side, R.G. Male's Dark Corners, thirteen.
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    October 28, 2010

    13 Nights of Hallowe'en 2010:
    Night #10 The Amityville Horror (2005)

    As Hallowe'en draws near and the movies become about bigger, more spectacular, and more infamous hauntings on film. The Amityville Horror is probably the most talked about haunting on this continent popularised by the novel, original movie with several sequels, and now this recent remake. Scott Kosar wrote this Amityville Horror screenplay--also The Texas Chain Saw Massacre and The Crazies remakes. Amityville is one of the Platinum Dunes remakes. It stars Ryan Reynolds, and Melissa George who...

    Read more at R.G. Male's Dark Corners.

  • Tags: The Amityville Horror (2005) (movie), ghosts, Halloween, haunted, horror, movies, R.G. Male's Dark Corners, thirteen, true story.
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    October 27, 2010

    13 Nights of Hallowe'en 2010:
    Night #9 An American Haunting (director's cut)

    Last night we had a pretty scary haunting movie. Well get ready for a much more impressive haunting. I won't mislead you, this is more of a horror movie, which I think to a degree lessens the scares, but your mileage may vary. An American Haunting is loosely based on the real life haunting of John and Lucy Bell, played by Donald Sutherland and Sissy Spacek. The true story is one of the more infamous hauntings and fairly well documented given the time frame. The ghost was referred to as...

    Read more at R.G. Male's Dark Corners.

  • Tags: An American Haunting (movie), Bell Witch, ghost witch, Halloween, haunted, history, horror, movies, poltergeists, President Andrew Jackson, R.G. Male's Dark Corners, thirteen, true story.
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    October 26, 2010

    13 Nights of Hallowe'en 2010:
    Night #8 Paranormal Activity

    Tonight I have for you one of the big name recent horrors, Paranormal Activity. It got a lot of press and a lot of support--I for one have my name amongst the throng of people who petitioned to get this movie released. Some people love it, some people are indifferent, and of course there are the hardcore detractors. I for one thought it was great for what it intended. It wasn't a heavy effects movie, it certainly wasn't a gory movie, or one chockfull of spectres jumping out from...

    Read more at R.G. Male's Dark Corners.

  • Tags: ghosts, Halloween, haunted, horror, movies, Paranormal Activity (movie), R.G. Male's Dark Corners, thirteen.
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    October 25, 2010

    13 Nights of Hallowe'en 2010:
    Night #7 House on Haunted Hill (1999)

    We're at around the halfway mark now. Tonight I give you the remake of House on Haunted Hill. A group of people are invited to a haunted house and offered a lot of money to spend he entire night. I have to tell you I felt severely let down by the original, even thought it had Vincent Price in it. This remake isn't without its flaws, but I still think it is a great remake and it's a movie I like to re-watch. For one thing it is jam packed with nameable actors and actresses. Let's start with...

    Read more at R.G. Male's Dark Corners.

  • Tags: ghosts, Halloween, haunted, Honoré Fragonard, horror, House on Haunted Hill (1999) (movie), movies, R.G. Male's Dark Corners, thirteen.
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    October 24, 2010

    13 Nights of Hallowe'en 2010:
    Night #6 1408

    Tonight's movie is one from the mind of Stephen King about one of the most haunted hotels, Manhattan's Dolphin Hotel. Everyone who stays in a particular room gets the full on haunting treatment. That room is 1408. John Cusack plays a paranormal debunker writing a book about haunted hotels and the Dolphin should prove to be crowning chapter. Cusack always seemed to skate just along the periphery of horror or other genre movie roles until recently, but he certainly stepped into it with...

    Read more at R.G. Male's Dark Corners.

  • Tags: 1408 (movie), genre, ghosts, Halloween, haunted, horror, hotel, movies, R.G. Male's Dark Corners, thirteen.
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    October 23, 2010

    13 Nights of Hallowe'en 2010:
    Night #5 White Noise

    It's the weekend before the big night, eight days yet to go. Tonight we have White Noise starring Michael Keaton as a man who becomes obsessed with EVPs, also know as Electronic Voice Phenomena. His preferred method is using video. What you do--yes you can try it for yourself, but hopefully you won't get results like portrayed in this film--is you find a blank television channel and you record the static for hours and hours. Then you play it back and somewhere along the line you find...

    Read more at R.G. Male's Dark Corners.

  • Tags: consequences, EVP, ghosts, Halloween, haunted, horror, movies, R.G. Male's Dark Corners, thirteen.
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    October 22, 2010

    13 Nights of Hallowe'en 2010:
    Night #4 Route 666

    Route 666 is the fourth movie in our thirteen. It stars Lou Diamond Phillips--no stranger to small horror titles--as a Marshall incharge of retrieving and protecting a run away witness played by Steven Williams--who for me will always be Creighton Duke from Jason Goes to Hell: The Final Friday. Phillips is partnered up with some other law enforcement men and women, one of which is played by Lori Petty. They take the titular Route 666--a part of the normal Route 66--as a way of eluding some...

    Read more at R.G. Male's Dark Corners.

  • Tags: ghosts, Halloween, haunted, horror, mannerisms, movies, mythos, R.G. Male's Dark Corners, Route 666 (movie), thirteen.
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    October 21, 2010

    13 Nights of Hallowe'en 2010:
    Night #3 The Fog (2005)

    It's Thursday and our movie is the 2005 remake of The Fog. The first question you must be asking is why the remake? Don't get me wrong, the original is classic John Carpenter, but it was so random overall. As far as storyline goes I prefer this remake with its solid back-story to explain the ghosts. It has a little bit of randomness and of course a modern aesthetic, but Carpenter himself seemed congenial to the film in the extras, so what the hey. The remake stars Tom Welling from...

    Read more at R.G. Male's Dark Corners.

  • Tags: fog, The Fog (2005) (movie), Halloween, horror, movies, R.G. Male's Dark Corners, thirteen.
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    October 20, 2010

    13 Nights of Hallowe'en 2010:
    Night #2 Ring Around the Rosie

    Tonight's movie is Ring Around the Rosie (2006). This movie stars Gina Philips, whom you might remember from such horrors as Dead & Breakfast, and Jeepers Creepers. She is joined for most of the film by Tom Sizemore. Tom isn't generally known as a horror actor but he gets the occasional parts that diverge from his mostly police dramas and action roles. You may have seen him in Stephen King's Dreamcatcher, and The Relic. Here he plays the creepy handyman to the house...

    Read more at R.G. Male's Dark Corners.

  • Tags: Halloween, haunted, horror, isolated, movies, R.G. Male's Dark Corners, Ring Around the Rosie (movie), thirteen.
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    October 19, 2010

    13 Nights of Hallowe'en 2010:
    Night #1 The Legend of Hell House

    Hello and welcome to the first of the 13 Nights of Hallowe'en in 2010. Our first movie is The Legend of Hell House (1973). This is a hard one to pindown because there are other very similar movies, but this is the one based on the Richard Matheson novel of the same name and Matheson wrote the screenplay as well. A scientist--descriptions call him a physicist but essentially a parapsychologist--takes people to a supposedly haunted house to determine if there is life beyond death. A very...

    Read more at R.G. Male's Dark Corners.

  • Tags: Halloween, haunted, horror, The Legend of Hell House (movie), movies, parapsychology, psychic, R.G. Male's Dark Corners, thirteen.
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    October 6, 2010

    13 Nights of Hallowe'en 2010

    Welcome to the 13 Nights of Hallowe'en 2010. Here is a list of all thirteen movies. Hit your local video store, snail mail rental services or legal download service and watch along. Click the cover to buy a copy from Amazon.com. Each day you can click the movie's name to read the R.G. Male's Dark Corners' blog about the movie.

    This year you can also tune in right here to get a preview of the day's blog entry. Be sure to check in.

    #1 October 19

    The Legend Of Hell House (1973)

    #2 October 20

    Ring Around the Rosie (2006)

    #3 October 21

    The Fog (2005 remake)

    #4 October 22

    Route 666 (2001)

    #5 October 23

    White Noise (2005)

    #6 October 24

    1408 (2007)

    #7 October 25

    House on Haunted Hill (1999 remake)

    #8 October 26

    Paranormal Activity (2007)

    #9 October 27

    An American Haunting (2005 director's cut)

    #10 October 28

    The Amityville Horror (2005 remake)

    #11 October 29

    Poltergeist II: The Other Side (1986)

    #12 October 30

    The Shining (1980)

    #13 October 31

    The Haunting In Connecticut (2009)

  • Tags: blogging, Halloween, horror, movies, R.G. Male's Dark Corners, thirteen.

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