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Title List
10 green tech predictions for the new year
344 sq. ft. apartment transforms into 24 rooms [Video 4:03]
Academy of Sciences' 5D design
Advance Female Android Aiko AI robot
Amazon lets customers text to buy
Amazon Remembers, a brilliant iPhone companion
Apparently We Can Turn Carbon Dioxide Into Eco-Friendly Biofuels Now
Apple makes headway on PC vs Mac front, but isn’t that the old war?
Apple's Piping Hot Innovation
Army Funds 'Synthetic Telepathy' Research
Audeo Lets You Talk or Control Wheelchair With Your Thoughts
Augmented reality
Augmented Reality in a Contact Lens
(via IEEE)
Australia Joins China In Censoring The Internet
Automatic Filtering of Online Stupidity
Autonomous insect cyborg sentinels
Barack Obama's plans for the web
Be More Than You Can Be
Bear robot rescues wounded troops
Big Brother gets bigger, says global privacy study
Blaise Aguera y Arcas demos augmented-reality maps (video 8:14)
Blue Jeans Cable Strikes Back
BMW augmented reality
video 2:38
Boston Dynamics Big Dog (new video March 2008)
Boston Dynamics Robots Tiptoe Toward Terminator
Brain Scanner Can Tell What You're Looking At
Brain Scanners Know Where You've Been
Can internal 'brain music' be used in therapy?
Capturing ambient intelligence
Cashing in on your solar savings
CFP Symposium: New Frontiers in Human-Robot Interaction (at AISB 2010)
Charging pads inching from R&D to reality
ChemBot: The Military’s Shape Shifting Robot Blob
Chertoff Describes `Manhattan Project` for Cyber-defenses
Clinton vs. Obama: The robocall edition
Cloud computing works for Google
CNN launches Web site for citizen journalists
Coming soon: A notebook with a terabyte
Congress worries that .gov monitoring will spy on Americans
Cracking the chemistry of organic batteries
Cyberwar games test nations' responses
DARPA Contract Description Hints at Advanced Video Spying
Darpa Looks To Build Real Life C3PO
The democratization of communication: In filter we trust
Dextre the robot ready for space adventure
Diary of a Web nerd: The Wii as a social platform
"Digi-novel" combines book, movie and website
The Digital Dictatorship
Digital privacy behind virtual walls
Diminished Reality
Dreamforce 07: George Lucas pitches edutopia
E3 2009 - Project Natal - Milo Demo with Peter Molyneux 720p HD 5:43
Emails show journalist rigged Wikipedia's naked shorts
Emotiv's headset gives users mind-control over digital objects
Every move you make tracked by RFID tags
Exclusive: Google, CIA Invest in ‘Future’ of Web Monitoring
Facebook Makes us all Look Like Suckers
FBI planning world's largest biometric database
Fears mount over internet privacy
Flash drives offer new choices for music fans
Fly the green skies at Mach 5
FOAF Spheres of Privacy
The Friend of a Friend (FOAF) project.
The Future of Augmented Reality
(video 3:26)
Future of social networking explored in UW's computer science building
The future, reusable paper
Gary Martz on "Cliffside" Wireless PAN technology
Gates on OLPC, Windows Home Server
Geovirtual reality for sharing information
Ghost Army Haunts Michigan Library
Global security: is study restricted?
Google and CIA Invest in a Minority Report-Like Technology That May Make Our World a Less Certain Place
The Green Side of the Moon
Gundam cartoon academy to turn science fiction into reality in Japan
Hacked Wii remote creates $50 digital whiteboard: IDF
Hands-on with the Readius eInk mobile device
Head over heels for tomorrow's personal robots
Head Tracking for Desktop VR Displays using the WiiRemote
Honda Unveils Experimental Walking Assist Device With...
Hospital techies urge limits on 'white space' Wi-Fi
How China's '50 Cent Army' Could Wreck Web 2.0
How the Next Victim of Climate Change Will Be Our Minds
How to make a BristleBot - Evil Mad Scientist Laboratories
How YOU Can Make the Web More Structured
Hubble: Monitoring Internet Reachability in Real-Time
Hurricanes Shoot Water Ice into the Stratosphere
IBM experimenting with DNA to build chips
IBM's "liquid metal" promises concentrated PV breakthrough
IBM produces first working chips modeled on the human brain
The Illustrated Man: How LED Tattoos Could Make Your Skin a Screen
Images: Eyephone explains where you are
The impact of the hive mind- all of us are smarter than one of us
Innovation in creative levitation solutions
Instant Messaging for Introverts
Intel CEO previews new handheld gadget [video] (7:18)
Intel CEO sees Net boosting consumer electronics
Interactive game merges tech with urban adventure
International Space University
Internet of Things
Is Balkanization of the Internet inevitable?
Is George Ou right?
I-Swarm Micro Robots are Up and Running
Japanese scientists, origami masters aim to launch paper craft from space
Jasper Maskelyne
Kevin Kelly: Predicting the next 5,000 days of the web
Kindle Economics
Larry Magid: Google technology aids hunt for those who prey on kids
A lawyer inside your PC - British software can flag corporate nefariousness
Linked Data Design Issues
LinkedIn: Dealing with the unwanted invitation
Long power outage a wake-up call to be better prepared
Look Ma! A Drive-In Theatre for Ants!
LtWv Wrist Remote,
Memory Switch Could Enable Brain Hacks
MGM Mirage’s IT green field...
Microfiber fabric makes its own electricity?
Microsoft seeks patent for office 'spy' software
Microsoft Office Labs vision 2019 (montage + video)
Microsoft Researchers Developing Muscle-Based PC Interface (w/ Video)
Microsoft unveils 'mobile navigator' technology
Microsoft: Web at the center, not PC
Military Use of Unmanned Aircraft Soars
Million Rounds Per Minute: Ghastly Guns Putting the Hurt on You
Mind-blowing demo of touch-interface
Minding Mental Minefields
'Mind-reading' software could record your dreams
Mind-Reading Video Game From NeuroSky and Square Enix
'Minority Report' interface created for US military
‘Minority Report’ technology used by police to predict crimes
Mr. Ambassador, Meet President Zuckerberg
MIT boffins unlock secret of cheap hydrogen
MIT Shock Absorbers Harness Speed Bump Energy For Better Fuel Economy
MIT team touts sci-fi style "virus battery"
MS-ManiC: Microsoft steps up its multicore work
Myth-busting and the Yahoo!-Google agreement
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