
Welcome to Bob's Book Reviews for Science Fiction Novels, your online source for information on everything imaginative.

Use of Weapons - Ian M. Banks

Use of Weapons is a classic style, stand-alone, science fiction novel.  The book follows the 'adventures' of a man hired by a group of advanced aliens to steer the direction of lesser advanced worlds and peoples.  The main character relives parts of his life as the main story moves along, and a mystery develops revolving around an event that he cannot force his mind to remember.

This book is imaginative and draws you right in.  The story moves forwards and backwards at the same time.  Sometimes eddies will form and from the vortex a glimpse of the truth is tantalizingly almost revealed.  The worlds, and setting in general are phenomenal and make you feel like you can see them, and that these are places you'd like to go.  Except for one thing this is an excellent unforgettable book.

That exception is that the end, the final truth, totally ruins the rest of the book.  The book builds and builds upon the pain and suffering of the main character and his deep dark secret only to invalidate the readers sympathy.  The very last of the story should not have happened, and perhaps I should tell you where to stop reading... that would be in the section called 'Remembrance', just before they meet Livueta on pg. 359.  You can read past that point but I suggest against it.

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