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The Birds and the Bees - Sephera Giron

Nature is starting to run amok.  It's almost as if the end of the world has come.  Black birds are beginning to appear in greater and greater numbers.  Swarms of what can only be described as killer bees begin to attack with rapidly alarming frequency.  Then the birds begin to attack people too.  How can anyone conquer or stop these two growing plagues?  As the body count begins to rise several people are drawn into tight little circles to face whatever is going on.  The world they live in and the people they care for are at risk and it becomes readily apparent that they must do something about it.

Ther Birds and the Bees is just as fast a read as the author's previous book.  The writing is engaging, smooth for the most part with a good flow.  It does suffer some rough patches where the voice changes intermittently to a stiff contraction-less style which is jarring when it appears out of nowhere and then disappears again.  As a style there is nothing wrong with it, but its sudden appearances are bothersome.  The plot wanders around significantly in circles, meandering its way along adding nicely to the chaotic feel of the story.  It begins to seem nearing the end that there is going to have to be a rush to finish the story and there is though it could have easily been plotted otherwise.

The first half of the book is somewhat heavy and depressive in its portrayl of the decadence and decay of the world and the petty insignificance of the story's characters.  The characters are well described and they have great depth but most of them are the kind of people that the audience could mostly care less about.  Later on things lighten up some but it seems too little too late.  The Birds and the Bees is a book with a lot of potential that was just never put to use.  The elements are there, the writing skill is there, but the storytelling fails it and the result is only about half of what it could have been.

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