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Bishoujo Senshi Sailormoon (Pretty Soldier Sailormoon)
S TV Season

Sailormoon S is the third TV season of the popular series.  There is a new threat on earth, this time from the here and now.  A great force approaches and it seeks a powerful item of evil that is locked away in three pieces in the magical pure crystal hearts of innocent unsuspecting humans.  Daimons, strong supernatural monsters with strange powers, seek out the crystal hearts, on behalf of their insane creator Professor Tomoe.  Tomoe is not creating them alone though, he is using something called the 'eggs of Daimon' to create his minions.  Sailormoon and the Senshi have to save the innocents and themselves from the rampaging Daimons, but that is not all they have to deal with.  A pair of other people are searching for the pure hearts as well.  They are sitting idly by as people are attacked and then sweeping in and stealing the crystal hearts from the monsters.  The two might even be new Sailor Senshi, but they certainly do not act like it.  The three way battle is on.

This review will be for the uncut subbed version with Japanese audio.  Sailormoon S continues on in the traditions set by the previous two seasons.  It focuses a little more on the villains than before and has a much stronger air of mystery.  A lot of the focus also goes towards the two strangers and how Sailormoon and the others deal with them.  Later in the season there is some differentiation in the monster of the day approach to the show to break things up a little.  The stories continue to be good but do not break out of the mould too much although there are exceptions.  The animation is the same as ever.  The characters look older than before, showing the passage of time.  There is some more maturity to all of them, even Usagi (Serena in the dub from DIC) as well. Unlike the two previous seasons there is not a lot of scale to the story, it takes place in a relatively short period of time instead of the longer part of the year of R and the First season.

This third season of Sailormoon extends the cast again, adds a bit more inner turmoil, and carries on the fine tradition of the series.  A lot of people think this is one of the best seasons.  For your reference I place this as last on my list simply because I personally prefer the others more.  It is not because it is bad or lacking per se, but simply I liked the others more for various reasons.  You'll have to read on to see how I placed the other seasons.  Please use the main column navigation if you wish to return to the main Sailormoon page.

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