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May 19, 2010

Masters of Horror Anthology:
Interview with K.K.

from Catherine Mede Writes

A bit about K.K.

In addition to writing I also act and do stand-up comedy (my next film is called "Love's A Killer", shooting this year) I own www.RockHerWorld.Net and have created a 'heavy metal think tank' called Focusgroup, whereby I'm hoping to promote news and knowledge of better health, wellness, political activism, debt reduction and wealth building, etc. I invite you and everyone else to visit and/or join My new collection is called "Staplegun Logic: More Inhuman Resources" and it's available from Black BedSheet Books.

K.K. contributed "The Visitation" to the anthology.

Where did you come up with your anthology idea?

I think it was after reading news story #9,850,212 of "This Person's Marriage Is Horrible". I really think it's an outdated, ludicrous institution. But if it works for anyone, good on 'em.

How long did it take for you to put together your story?

Only a couple of days, this one just boiled out of me.

Why did you submit your MoH story - was it one you have had for a while or one that you put together especially for the Anthology?

It was in reserve. I actually didn't think it'd be accepted. I was working on several others but I didn't think I'd meet the MOH deadline.

What research / preparation did you do for your story?

None, it was wholly imaginary.

Who's story are you most looking forward to reading? Why?

All of them...All I know are the author's names and story titles, so I really don't know what's in store. I'm hoping everyone rocks my socks.

Why do you write horror? What is the fascination in it for you?

Horror's a release for me ...when I read or watch the news, I think, THAT'S horror. At least my work can't be duplicated. Plus I get to kick ass on paper instead of in public, which is better for the society at large.

How long have you been writing?

Since 2nd grade, off an on.

Is writing your full time thing, or do you have a day job? What is it?

I've been a laborer forever. To me, that's the job that really gives back to the world ...building schools, drilling wells, etc. The arts are really just an ego-stroke, when you think about it. You're basically just saying, "Look at me and what I did." Not that it's bad; the world could use more artists and fewer career criminals.

Why do you write?

The voices tell me to. That sounds flippant, but I really theorize that stories--or any creative project--are some sort of extra-dimensional intelligence trying to communicate through us. Tesla and a few other geniuses said they were receiving communications from Sirius that helped their inventions. Weird, eh?

What are you currently working on?

An antidrug horror novel called JAWBREAKER, a poetry collection, then FREAKOUT AT THE KK CORRAL, which will be a collection of 50 stories.

You can read The Visitation in the Masters of Horror Anthology.

Music: The Other Side by Aerosmith.

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