
Hello, I am Robert G. Male. Welcome to WraithStop™. Here you will find links that I think are of interest. Furthermore these are links that I want to keep track of because they have given me either ideas or some other form of inspiration for my writing. Links are listed in order lowest to highest both in the date they are given and the order in which they appear (meaning: read them from the bottom up for a certain day's list). Some of these sites may require you to sign up for free. Without further ado, the links...

dividing line of blood

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February 8, 2011

Responsiblities of Ghost Hunters to Property Owners
  • This article highlights a number of scenarios that paranormal investigation can become involved in that have nothing to do with the supernatural. While the parapsychologists deal with this mundane situation the haunting can escalate. Governmental groups may step in such as the EPA or in extreme cases (not likely in the real world but could be a part of a secondary or even tertiary plot) the CDC. Additionally the Better Business Bureau could get in on it, and of course the lawyers will show up sooner or later. Consider also the groups involved if the haunted location is a factory or business, including the USDA, OSHA, and the like. Also of interest is the idea that an investigative team would ideally include plumbers, electricians, structural engineers. Finally there is the intended purpose of the post to question what is the right thing to do, how do you handle it either way, what are the consequences? {Ref#9 - TME}
  • Tags: consequences, ghosts, government, investigate, lawyers, parapsychology.

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