Issue 2-4
1) Letter from the Editor
I feel good about this year's stories. Not to slight anything from last season, in the beginning those were stories of
mine that had collected for a while. As time progressed I wrote a couple new stories, then all of them were new. Year
1 was good. There were a lot of good plots. Like many creative people I can be critical of my own work. I knew I could
do better in the writing department. While there is always room for improvement...
2) Peekaboo
There is a decision to be made every time a horror creator
starts in on a new story. That decision is about just how much
detail to present in describing the more visual and graphic portions of
the story. Such detail not only presents itself in the form of
guts and gore, but also the level of description unnatural things such
as monsters receive, and the amount of explanation a phenomena or
device requires. The level of this sort of detail can drive the
direction that the story takes, contrast the plot against the mood,
and determine the intended audience.
3) Horror Movie Franchise Discussion #8
In 1987 horror author Clive Barker turned his wildly popular novella "The Hellbound Heart" into a movie
script. Donning the hat of director Barker created the movie Hellraiser. Hellraiser revolved around four central
characters but a fifth character with relatively little screen time stole the show. That character had some of the
most quotable lines in all of horror history. Beyond that he had incredible presence and one of the most imaginative
makeup jobs ever seen.
4) Mind Me
Daphne wrote her name on the blackboard. She pushed her glasses up her nose, looked it over, and then erased it.
They wouldn't be able to read her writing. She had best write it out in neat block letters. Nodding her head in
satisfaction she turned around and sat down. The day's lesson plan lay open on top of the desk. Daphne settled
down to go over the first section once more. Next thing she knew her watch was beeping at her. In five minutes the
kids would be back in from the playground.
5) Dead Inside
Warning: May be unsuitable for some readers. This
story contains mature subject matter, disturbing
situations, and coarse language. Reader
Discretion is Advised. No opinions in this story
are reflective of those of the author; they are
purely fictional.
He would dispose of the body later. Right now he needed to catch up on his sleep for tonight's job. There was a rich
guy living in an almost hovel on the other side of town. Greg had it on good authority that the bastard kept a fair
chunk of change in his safe in the basement. Greg would break in, scare the shit out of the guy, and get him to open
the safe. It would be a cakewalk. Greg soon began to snore, visions of hundred dollar bills dancing in his head.
6) Review: What Lies Beneath
Claire Spencer is sending her daughter Caitlin off to college. Although her husband Dr. Norman Spencer, a professor,
is supportive of his wife he is often busy doing his research. Norman expects Claire to have a tough time with being
alone in the house and with missing her daughter, his step-daughter. ...Then when the woman next door goes missing
Claire begins to find her own house suddenly haunted.
7) Review: Stir of Echoes
Stir of Echoes is written by horror legend Richard Matheson who has also written "I am Legend", "Hell House", "What
Dreams May Come" and many more highly acclaimed novels. His works have influenced many other great writers and film
makers. Stir of Echoes is about a man named Tom Wallace who is thrust into the nightmarish world of
unbelievable and uncontrollable psychic phenomena.
8) PSY3007 Act #4
Ben listened, but all was quiet. He started to get up when he heard movement in the attic above him. It sounded like
footsteps. He looked at the clock on the nightstand next to the bed. It was seven o'clock. The alarm wouldn't go
off for another hour. His mother should already be up and puttering around in the kitchen. His father would probably
still be in bed and should have heard the first noise if not the footsteps.
9) Hangman's Noose #4
Hanging is all about lines. There is the spiralling
line of the coiled rope. There is the straight line that the rope
makes under the weight of its burden. There is the line between
life and death. There is also the invisible line between those
who should be witness to the grisly spectacle, and those who should
never see such a thing. Life is all about lines as well, and since
art imitates life so too is horror.